Here's a quick explanation on how to edit the mod config classes to create your own units.
All units go under certain type class , in this example we define Recon unit type. Each type class can have multiple unit definitions starting from unit0 and so on.
The ai commander will randomly pick one of those unitX when buying groups
class Recon // Type class
unit0 = "O_T_reconTeam"; // This string points to group config so the unit is defined by that config
unit1[] = {"O_recon_TL_F","O_recon_M_F","O_recon_medic_F","O_recon_F"}; // Here the unit is defined by list of soldiers
unit2 = "O_MRAP_02_hmg_F"; // This string is not config but vehicle name so the unit will have one vehicle
Notice that all the vehicles has to be defined in the class VehiclesSideHere in order for commander and player to be able to buy them
To setup your own custom mod there are two ways to do that
First download the template (based on Apex) and select the method that you prefer:
Put the customMod.h in your FOW mission folder.
Method 1:
Put the customMod.h in your FOW mission folder.
If you haven't got mission folder yet you can download the mission template from here
Then in top of your description.ext file put these two lines:
#include "\fow\common\defs\defs.h"
#include "customMod.h"
Method 2:
Then in top of your description.ext file put these two lines:
#include "\fow\common\defs\defs.h"
#include "customMod.h"
Method 2:
Put the customMod.h to your arma 3 folder and enable -filepatching in the arma startup parameters
That's it!
The mod should now be playable as "Custom" mod
To support three sided games the resistance units should be fully defined and this added to the customMod.h:
threeSidesSupportedCustom = true;
Here's a link to little tool that helps you to copy the factions and group config names to clipboard: getGroupCfgs.VR
just put it in missions folder and start the mission
That's it!
The mod should now be playable as "Custom" mod
To support three sided games the resistance units should be fully defined and this added to the customMod.h:
threeSidesSupportedCustom = true;
And don't forget to set the mod author name at:
fowModAuthorCustom = "YourName";
Here's a link to little tool that helps you to copy the factions and group config names to clipboard: getGroupCfgs.VR
just put it in missions folder and start the mission
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