Field of War is AI commander led mission which creates a dynamic battlefield for the players to play on.
Player can help the AI to capture towns or go solo and fight wherever he wants
What AI commander does:
- Buys new units (both air/land) and assign them to defend or attack
- Uses special units such as airborne to attack the enemy
- Uses aircraft and AA units to establish air superiority on occupied territory
- Sends close air support to help friendly forces attacking
- Sends scouts to recon enemy occupied areas (ground forces or plane)
- Builds new FOBs (bases) by sending engineer truck or helicopter
- Calls artillery strikes
- Moves ambulance to attack so that players may respawn in them
- Three different AI com types: Rusher, Turtle, Balanced
- Buys headquarters units so support forces on the field
- HQ also works as respawning point
- Does research to make better weapons and vehicles available
- Assigns patrols around owned places to create ambush
- Tells what he is doing
What Player can do:
- Buy equipment from arsenal (In bases, HQs)
- Buy vehicles and men (In bases, limited in HQ or towns)
- Call artillery strikes (If artillery available)
- Call close air support (CAS)
- Be revived by AI or player medics
- Call reinforcements by air or sea
- Call airlift helicopter (To transport player via air)
- Call air drop for him self
- Call ordnance crate drop
- Call vehicle drop
- Use maintance in friendly base to refuel, rearm and repair vehicle
- Use loadout editor for aircrafts
- Use repair truck to build
- Request ambulance to be sent near enemy location
- Rappel men from heli
Also player:
- Sees a kill feed
- Gain money periodically from places of same side and from kills
- Gain XP from kills (either team member kills (less XP) or own kills)
- Has a limit on how many men can the player control. Increasing in rank through XP allows higher men control limit
- Can take control of friendly forces if rank is high enough
- Needs a radio for remote actions (Optional feature)
- Has to eat and drink to survive. Warmer maps require more drinking (Optional feature)
- Gains trait points on leveling up which can be used to activate useful traits
How AI groups work
- Intelligent unit spawning system to allow large military operations with minimal lag
- If vehicles get stuck to something they are moved to nearest road by script. This helps them to arrive at destination
- If squad leader loses his ability to walk he's healed after the battle is over so that the squad can move at normal speed
- Groups report how they are doing via radio (text)
- Group who's icon is blinking is currently talking via radio
- AI groups gain skill from kills (Stars shown on cursor hover on)
- AI units have morale value (Shown on hover over)
- AI units have to be near the HQ or FOB to receive morale bonus
- The AI may try to ambush the player by positioning them self at windows
- The AI is scripted to engage targets behind cover (If they know the location)
Some other features (So far in game):
- Recon unit's are not only highly skilled but have special ability to detect enemy forces from greater range than regular units
- The resistance has bunker and sandbag defenses in their occupied towns
- Even AI is shot down he may still get up and fight!
- Throw a smoke to show air lift it's landing zone
- Total 5 different type of reinforcements of which 2 are over sea and 3 over air
- 2 types of close air support Helicopter or plane
- Select either predefined or random starting position for army
- Be aware of shooting civilians as this will reduce town money income
- Supply trucks travel between towns increasing the condition (Recovering town income)
- Air supply helicopter flies between bases giving money to the side on each landing
- Air supply helicopter travels between bases giving money for the army (And creating nice ambient air traffic)
- Enemy locations are hidden in start and must be searched out
- AI places mines on town roads to defend the town
- Airfields under your army's control can be used to buy airplanes
- Instead of fleeing the enemies surrender if hostile forces are near (Shooting surrendered enemies gives no money)
- Aircraft carriers
- Side missions, player can do different kind of small missions for money
- Various startup parameters (Nearly 30) to setup your game
- Customizable gui elements in the arma layout editor
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