Field of war - Optimization guide

There are two different routes admin can take to make the mission run well on the server.

1) Via admin menu

Login as admin in the lobby and start the mission to see the admin dialog that allows selecting performance presets. This is the quickest way to make the mission run smoothly

Also the admin menu must be enabled from mission parameters. (by default it's enabled)

2) Via mission parameters

The mission parameters in the game lobby allow highly customized game experience.

All of the parameters under performance section effect on the game performance. Also almost every other parameter effects the performance more or less.

The color coded parameters in the lobby are most important parameters to setup correctly to make the mission run well on the server. The yellow color means the parameter has average impact on the performance while green means good performance and red bad.

One of the most important parameter is the "Use the whole map" which allows some of the big maps played with less towns. Setting this parameter on in a map that supports it, allows a huge performance boost.