Saturday, January 14, 2017

Alpha release

This time I decided to release alpha version of the mission. alpha is still widely untested and may contain bugs but this is for those who like to test anyhow and provide feedback.

alpha version download link: gw v0.9.12c alpha

What's new:

fixed artillery firing
AI fires artillery
new 3D markers for friendly units
unit strength replenishes
unit now flees when morale is zero
the enemies morale is shown as bars when near player
player can now choose starting money
and more

alpha B:

fixed morale bars could overlap
fixed infantry would keep entering and leaving vehicle
fixed 3D markers on aircraft
3D markers can now be turned off (from unit menu)
less lag (in theory at least)
fixed respawning (hopefully)
other changes

alpha C:
fixed invalid waypoints for unit after killed

known issues:
sometimes error message popups on lower part of the screen. this shouldnt be anything serious...


  1. If you use a _ the map doesn't open. use a - before alpha

    1. I have always used the M key to open the map

  2. Can I disable the 3D markers with a key ?

    AI fire artillery too soon, when the enemy is not in a line of sight from an ally.

    Moral bars doesn't stay in the HUD.

    1. You cant disable the 3D markers.. but I will add some kind of option for that. Not sure which key would be good?

      yes the artillery fires immediately when there's spawned enemy troops.

      hmm the moral bars seems to stay in the HUD while I was playing...

      thanks for your feedback!

  3. The more time pass, the less responsive is the menu
    There is also a bug with the respawn menu after some time, you won't auto repawn and it will reopen itself every 10 seconds after you chose a new soldier.
    You can close it with ESC but il will reopen itself.

    1. ok I will try to fix the respawn bug. Have experienced something like that my self too but I dont yet know how to reproduce the bug.


  4. Ok I released a new patch that should fix the proplems..

    What's new:

    fixed morale bars could overlap
    fixed infantry would keep entering and leaving vehicle
    fixed 3D markers on aircraft
    3D markers can now be turned off (from unit menu)
    less lag (in theory at least)
    fixed respawning (hopefully)
    other changes

  5. Released new version (alpha C)!

    fixed invalid waypoints for unit after killed

  6. so has anyone tested the latest alpha? :) found any bugs?
